Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gettin’ LEID on the LEIover to Lihue, Kaua’i, Hawaii

Seattle, Washington: the Emerald City. Home of the Space Needle, the Udub Huskies, Fraiser and me for the next four hours. It has been quite an eventful adventure just getting to this location and the day is nowhere near complete.

The day started early this morning with a family breakfast, a couple episodes of the Golden Girls and then a quick little jaunt to the Moscow/Pullman airport where my mom and I checked in and then proceed to check out this dude with a beard, a sleeping bag and a backpack singing to himself. Come to find out when we boarded the flight that he is also sitting in aisle 13 RIGHT ACROSS FROM US! Don’t fret though, being in small cramped quarters did not stop him from continuing to sing/talk to himself. “Dude with headphones” (as he affectionately was known by my mom and me) also copied EVERY SINGLE MOVE that the flight attendants, Vernon and Andrea, did in their safety presentation. This resulted in me LOLing the entire time and telling everyone near me “I am going to blog about this!” “Dude with headphones” had to go to the lavatory in the middle of the flight. He used this as an opportunity to get a little workout in and did lunges down the aisle. More LOLing. Oh. And I forgot to mention that he was wearing CAMO SHORTS. Picture it. It is everything you imagine and more. (PLEASE cross your fingers that he will be in the cave with me...it would make the helmet and the chance of finding rodent bones TOTALLY worth it!).

The crossword puzzle that was in the Horizon magazine. It was really hard and my pen kept smudging. I gave up eventually.

So. More about Vernon and Andrea b/c they were also quite the couple. Literally. They were married. When we first took off, Vernon (who wore the pants in the relationship and controlled the PA system) announced “I am Vernon and with me is my lovely wife and flying partner Andrea.” This resulted in me writing “mile high club everyday” on my sudoku puzzle. (Word to the wise: if you are ever on a flight with Vernon and Andrea try to get your drink from Vernon b/c he will give you the whole can of Diet Coke. Andrea is stingy and only gives you the glass.)

FREE wine and Northwest Nibbles!

And now we are off the plane (for awhile) and chillaxin' in the Alaska Board Room drinking G&T’s and Bloody Mary’s (well I am drinking a Bloody Mary that does NOT have the whole jigger of vodka in it...thanks mom for placing that order.) I might get some chowda later. Life is good.

P.S. I apologize now that no blog title will ever compare to this one. Sorry.


  1. I already love Headphones man! I am going to lunges down the aisle next time I am on a flight, such a good idea! And you are doing a impressive amount of drinking on this journey thus far! I have never drank on an airplane or in an airport, way to start things out right! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE that your flight attendants were actually married, how cute!

  2. So far this is the best BLOG ever!! I am so sorry about the bloody Mary but some one has to fly this plane.....

  3. Sorry Big L that I used your gmail.
    I hope I am myself again.

  4. How did you use my email? I was soooo confused!
